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  1. Hi Bryan,

     for both long and short :

    I need a modified DAS script based on constant "total amount willing to purchase, let's say 20k in dollars" and constant risk of 200 dollars (automatically calculate stop loss per trade at 200 even $)
  2. Hello all, I need a modified DAS script based on constant "total amount willing to purchase, let's say 20k in dollars" and constant risk of 200 dollars (automatically calculate stop loss per trade at 200 $ even)
  3. Hello all, This is Shirin. I'm a super new member of BBT. I am in Los Angeles, Ca and would like to get together with whoever is in the community and either la or oc. I would like to learn from those who are experienced and get to know those who are new like myself to keep each other accountable and motivated. Let me know and would love to meet sometimes. Thanks,
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