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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Another possibility is DAS messing up that windows display due to having monitor(s) with non 100% scaling or multiple monitors with different text scaling DPI settings. I've seen the hotkeys window just like that but when sized way bigger the list showed up but in the wrong position on the right. I have a system with 6 monitors with 125% and 150% scaling and due to DAS I have to ensure I start the PC with only the primary one powered on so Windows has that first in its monitors list. If I don't then the hotkey setup and some other windows in DAS display completely wrongly (content out of view, buttons off view etc). Even with that DAS still has some issues with non 100% text scaling but most aren't too severe. I have logged several such issues with DAS support but they don't reply so not sure if they're going to fix them.
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