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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    If someone is interested, I wrote a few AutoHotkey commands to add new rows and perform other actions in the Market Viewer through hotkeys. In the attached file you can find hotkey scripts to: Delete the selected row (ALT+D) Delete all the rows (SHIFT+ALT+D) Add a new row (ALT+N) Export the current list to a file (ALT+E) Import the previously exported list (ALT+I) The last two commands are useful to copy the content of a Market Viewer window to another Market Viewer window Additionally, there is a command to add the current symbol selected in the Montage window to the Market Viewer. However, the script is written to work only if the Market Viewer window is the only one located in the same screen of the Montage window. If you need the script can be adapted to insert the symbol in a specific Market Viewer (follow the instructions in the script). To use the script, change the extension of the file to .ahk and launch it with AutoHotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/) EDIT: Updated with a new version, including some new functions: Possibility to add the date to the exported files (IncludeDateMVList parameter at the beginning of the file) Some functions to calculate the profit targets based on multiples of your predefined risk A function to drag a symbol from the Market Viewer list to a chart (useful if you don't want to use a montage window for each chart) A function to toggle between standard and bigger Montage window height (to display wider market depth when needed) DAS-BBT-V1.ahk.txt
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