Hi There, I am wondering if there are any Canadians here in the community that do active day and/or swing trading as a business? I am in the same boat, and am looking for recommendations on an accountant who has experience with day trading business taxes. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if someone can recommend an accounting firm based out of Canada who has experience with day traders (preferably someone that you have worked with, and had good experience). I trade as a business entity in Canada, and am looking for a firm that can do accounting, year end returns etc. I saw the Green Trader Tax firm being recommended earlier in this thread, but doesn't seem like they work with Canadian taxes. Thanks.
By Michael Schweighardt · Posted
Trying to keep this post alive and relevant and at the top. Hoping to attract locals I can meet up with and talk shop. With that in mind, I thought about just popping in here and posting about what I am currently studying. I'm studying The Wyckoff Method and Elliott wave principle (aka Elliott wave theory). -
By Michael Schweighardt · Posted
“Sheer will and determination is no substitute for something that actually works.” - Jason Klatt 📈 📊 🔄 💱 💹 🤝 💲 🔁 💸 📉 💰 💎 -
besides some minor syntactical errors in the hotkey itself you might be using your hotkey wrong. there are better hotkeys available for some time already which are more human readable and easier to understand so do yourself a favor and switch to the newer syntax, you will need to do it sooner or later anyway