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  1. Hi, I'm a new memeber here. I'm trying to start small and not complicate with partials and share size. I'm comfortable trading by defining how much capital i want to use per trade, stop loss and profit target. I'm planning to start with a small capital and I don't want to spend time calculating how many shares I could buy. I tried the current risk based hotkeys. I understand It's a great tool but I feel like i'm still not at that point in my trading journey. Does anyone have/know hot keys where I can say ok use 3000 USD to buy me this share and set the stop loss at x.yz and take profit when it hits y.xz. I really liked the hot key where you could double click for your stop loss and it calculates how many shares you could buy. Only problem I have is I want to define my capital/BP. Even in simulator, I don't want to use all I have, I want to see what happens when I use only 10k because that's all I will be able to use when I go live. Thanks in advance.
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