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Shawn Monnin

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  1. Good afternoon, I am a new to day trading, and new to the group. Been trading a few weeks, currently using Das Pro with CMEG. I've used the BBT template to build out my buttons on montage. This morning I had a new situation occur and it was confusing to me, and cost me some money. I wanted your input: I was adding shares of Tesla 25 at a time, using the following code: ROUTE=SMRTL; Share=25; Price=Ask+0.10;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET StopPrice:AvgCost-1.00 ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ This code creates a safety stop of -$25. Works great, for the first 25 shares. But today I used the button to order 25 shares, and then add another 25 shares. Took the pooch for a walk, and came back to realize that my initial long position was closed and I was now in a short position, losing money. Thought it was maybe a one off thing, but then had it happen a 2nd time. Closed out of DAS Pro and was able to re-create the action in my practice account. Attached a screen shot. Looks like it created a stop for the first 25, but then created a a 2nd position of 50 on a SS position. I don't recall this happening before. When I stopped out on the first 25, it flipped my position to a short holding 25 shares and losing. Thoughts? Thanks ion advance!
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