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Posts posted by Hilal

  1. This seems like a reasonable thing to do. Thank you Robert. The challenge is that we are all stratified at different levels in our journeys and then we watch video recaps, it is easy to forget or difficult to know in the first place where the trader recapping is in terms of their trading career. And when their a conflicting thing two traders do (which could be because of difference in experience), it is easy for new trader testing waters to get confused. But thanks for your response, I see you point. 


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  2. Agreed that a Stop Loss should be set at a technical level and should have a reason why that price point was chosen. BUT, what if the trade does go against you. Some veterans say that once it is obvious that your thesis was wrong, you should get out, no need to wait for stop loss to be triggered. Others however emphasize that stop loss being at technical levels have a reason to be there and we MUST give price the original  room until the SL is actually triggered. What are your thoughts on this?

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