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Everything posted by Nate

  1. I'm getting dirty with that Dell XPS13 laptop. Just moved to a new place that's furnished and the landlord left two Acer monitors, no idea what size. I ordered a VisionTek docking station so I imagine I'll set it up with the chat session on my laptop and DAS setups on the monitors. If I can't be successful with that, I don't think a gaming computer and six screens will help, so I'll wait for a while before I upgrade.
  2. In the webinar I believe he mentioned using a high of day scanner. I assume you could use a low of day scan for long positions, too. It should be pretty easy to configure on whichever platform you use for scanning.. You might be able to dial it in further, but those would be a good starting point.
  3. Thanks Marcus! I'll email you this weekend.
  4. Hey everyone I'm Nate. I was recently let go from my job as a cloud engineer, in Minneapolis, and decided to move to Hawaii with my wife and daughter. I read Andrew's first book a few years ago and it got me interested in trading. Since then I've taken a few technical analysis courses, done a bunch of other general studying, and think I'm ready to ease myself into it. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time but my job didn't allow me the requisite time to give it a real shot. Now that I have some additional time I've been waking up for the chats (2:30am-3am isn't easy), configuring my DAS desktop, watching the training courses/webinars, and making some simulated trades. I may chime in from time to time but I'll probably be laying low for a while trying to soak everything in. I'm excited to learn and look forward to getting to know everyone in the BBT community.
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