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Scott Gressel

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  1. @Abiel- Also...just thought of this...are trading sessions and the Pre-Market shows recorded for viewing later by intro members or full members? Thanks
  2. @Abiel- Yes, I plan to read all his books on Day Trading and take whatever training is offered. Do you have to have a full membership to access the full training? My introductory emails indicate preview lessons. It also looks like downloadable tools require a full membership. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the reply, Abiel. I am currently waiting for Andrew's book, "How To Day Trade for a Living". I have read part of it on-line. So I am on the learning curve. Yes, I have to understand the purpose of the scanner and what strategies to use. My understanding so far is you want to find Stock-in-Play opportunities by being where the action is. It was my understanding that the scanners helped you find this.
  4. Hello BBT Team, my name is Scott from Ohio. I am checking-out your offerings and really don't know what I am looking at. Sat-in briefly on a Mike B. presentation. It was a bit over my head without the needed knowledge to understand what he was saying. How does one gather that knowledge about how to use scanners? I am sure there is a course you can recommend for beginners. Thanks!
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