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Paul Grizzle

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Posts posted by Paul Grizzle

  1. Date: 01/17/20
    Moderator Name: Peter
    Stock: PINS
    Previous Day Close: 23

    Stock: GPS
    Previous Day Close: 18.53

    Stock: MU
    Previous Day Close: 57.66

    Stock: LK
    Previous Day Close: 50.02

    Stock: TLRD
    Previous Day Close: 4.47

    Stock: AAPL
    Previous Day Close: 318.73

    Stock: TSLA
    Previous Day Close: 510.50

    Stock: AMD
    Previous Day Close: 50.93

    Stock: NVDA
    Previous Day Close: 249.28

    Moderator Name: Brian
    Stock: FAST
    Previous Day Close: 36.80

    Stock: IMBI
    Previous Day Close: 4.48

    • Like 1

  2. Date: 01/16/20
    Moderator Name: Peter
    Stock: XPO
    Previous Day Close: 82.82

    Stock: MS
    Previous Day Close: 52.94

    Stock: LK
    Previous Day Close: 45.13

    Stock: BYND
    Previous Day Close: 107.08

    Stock: TSLA
    Previous Day Close: 518.50

    Stock: SIG
    Previous Day Close: 21.49

    Moderator Name: Norm
    Stock: SDC
    Previous Day Close: 13.72

    Stock: CLVS
    Previous Day Close: 9.43

    Stock: FB
    Previous Day Close: 221.15

    Stock: AAPL
    Previous Day Close: 311.34

    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: ROKU
    Previous Day Close: 132.50

    Stock: SAVA
    Previous Day Close: 8.45

    Moderator Name: Andrew Aziz
    Stock: BK
    Previous Day Close: 50.69

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: NBRV
    Previous Day Close: 1.43

    • Like 1

  3. Date: 01/15/20
    Moderator Name: Thor Young
    Stock: BAC
    Previous Day Close: 35.32

    Stock: TGT
    Previous Day Close: 125.26

    Stock: PINS
    Previous Day Close: 21.51

    Moderator Name: Andrew Aziz
    Stock: BYND
    Previous Day Close: 117.05

    Stock: CLVS
    Previous Day Close: 8.90

    Stock: PCG
    Previous Day Close: 11.92

    Stock: NKTR
    Previous Day Close: 27.96

    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: SHAK
    Previous Day Close: 64.10

    Stock: TSLA
    Previous Day Close: 537.92

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: OGI
    Previous Day Close: 2.16

  4. Date: 01/14/20
    Moderator Name: Peter
    Stock: ADAP
    Levels: 6.58, 5.80, 8, 10.36, 4, 3.24
    Previous Day Close: 3.99

    Stock: DAL
    Levels: 60.25, 58.19, 57.50, 63.20, 
    Previous Day Close: 59.49

    Stock: SDC
    Levels: 12.63, 13.38, 12.30, 
    Previous Day Close: 10.20

    Stock: WFC
    Levels: 51.41, 50.09, 48.74, 46.97
    Previous Day Close: 52.11

    Stock: TSLA
    Levels: All time highs. 547, 542.50,
    Previous Day Close: 524.86

    Stock: AAPL
    Previous Day Close: 316.96

    Stock: BYND
    Levels: 133, 138.
    Previous Day Close: 114.34

    Stock: LK
    Previous Day Close: 45.90

    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: ROKU
    Previous Day Close: 133.93

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: BSX
    Previous Day Close: 45.47

    Moderator Name: Carlos
    Stock: XBIT
    Levels: 32.50, 
    Previous Day Close: 18.62

  5. Date: 01/13/20
    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: TSLA
    Previous Day Close: 478.15

    Stock: BABA
    Previous Day Close: 223.83

    Stock: AMRN
    Previous Day Close: 18.95

    Stock: ROKU
    Previous Day Close: 128.40

    Moderator Name: Thor Young
    Stock: HOME
    Previous Day Close: 478.15

    Moderator Name: Andrew Aziz
    Stock: NKTR
    Previous Day Close: 16.92

    Stock: FIVE
    Previous Day Close: 124.48

    Stock: BYND
    Previous Day Close: 96.07

    Stock: VRNA
    Previous Day Close: 5.96

    Stock: NVTA
    Previous Day Close: 16.72

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: LK
    Previous Day Close: 43.32

    Stock: ADAP
    Previous Day Close: 1.33

    Stock: APDN
    Previous Day Close: 4.01

  6. Reasons Behind Archiving Pre-Market Data

    At work, if I am not actively engaged on a call, I am either watching the stocks or reading about  trading. I am almost finished reading "One Good Trade" by Mike Bellafiore. Admittedly, reading this book is a major contributor to the idea. He stresses the importance of trading the stocks that are in play, reading the tape, reviewing your trades,  practicing trading, keeping a journal, building on your strengths as a trader, and building your trading "quiver" (or as his second book calls it, "Playbook"). I haven't got into the second book yet, but I am sure once I get started, it will give me more reasons to back my reasoning. Primarily, this idea revolves around the DAS Trader Replay Feature. The first step to progress begins with archiving the pre-market data. Starting with a trade idea, we can build a foundation to grow our trading business. 

    1. Stocks in Play
      Many of us watch the pre-market show to get trade ideas from veterans. It is also where we can suggest stocks that we may think are important, which we are either agreed with and those stocks are discussed, or disagreed with then explain why. By archiving the stocks that the moderators are watching gives us a higher chance of trading stocks in play. In the Replay Feature, using the stocks archived, we can go right into the program with an idea without pure bias on the outcome. My idea for using the Replay Feature is to go into the trading day blind for the DAY I choose. I don't want to know how it actually went, and let that steer my practice trading. Don't let my bias (a.k.a. ego) keep me from making good trades.
    2. Reading the Tape
      The tape is the time and sales of the stock. It can also be the Level II. Mike Bellafiore says it is the most important tool to master for a trader. He even says that he does not need a chart when he trades, all he needs is the tape to see where the price action is leading the stock. He has had years to study his craft. His prop firm also has recording devices for his traders that they can go over after the close. Personally, I do not have access to recording my own trading, and I imagine I am not the only one. The Replay Feature brings that skill development in reach. Taking note of my trades, which I generally gauge on the charts, I can go back to when I traded, and watch the tape to see if there are patterns to learn from.
    3. Practice Trading
      As soon as I heard that DAS was working on the Replay Feature, I thought about the additional time I would get practicing. Andrew says that this is not a get rich scheme in both of his books I have read. Mike Bellafiore goes further to say that if you are not willing to put in the time to sharpen your trading skills, then you should not be trading. It boils down to the fact that if I am not willing to put the time in for my future as a trader, then I will likely be giving my money away. In Andrew's books, he mentions a cost for education. In this line of work, if your education is costing you money, then it should be progressive. If education is costing you time, it should saving your money. I intend to dedicate a significant amount of time toward my education, even if it is only practicing on a simulation or the Replay Feature.
    4. Reviewing Your Trades
      My biggest hurdle is recognizing a pattern, creating a trade idea, and following through with the plan. After practicing our trades, we have the ability to rewind, and look for the patterns we thought we saw.  Go further by looking at how the larger market was behaving, and see if there were patterns in the bigger picture that correlate with the move. Andrew and Brian have said that sectors like to move together. We can develop the ability to recognize these patterns by studying our trades. 
    5. Keep a Journal
      Every book, webinar, and pro trader I have read, attended, or listened to strongly suggest this. What is the point of reviewing if we are not taking notes. My aim is to become a consistently profitable trader as a business for myself. Why half-ass my future? The best part is I can journal as I go. Pause the replay and jot why I chose to bid or short at a level, what I saw in the price action, what patterns I saw that made me pull the trigger, or hold off. All of this stems from the trade ideas from the pre-market show. 
    6. Build on your Strengths
      Or as Mike Bellafiore says, build your "Playbook." Gaining more experience on the Replay Feature will foster my strengths if I focus on them. Harder patterns to recognize can be sidelined. Determine which setups work best for me. Repeated trades under these setups will start to become like a reflex. This will allow me to leave my comfort zone to experiment with those benched patterns. 

    I realize that this only focuses on the open, and we are leaving out opportunities from the midday and close. There are also issues with the feature that requires the levels to be go in ready. Apparently the data will not show previous history before the feature began, so having levels in the main forum will benefit those who use it. After time, this may not be needed, but since we go far back on certain stocks just to find levels, it will be something that should be included. I do not know if I will have enough time to host these forums and keep up with the information for midday and close, without hindering my own trading pursuit. Andrew considers (evident on the volume) the open as the most important time to trade. Since I will really only have time to mess with this after work or on the weekends, I want to focus on the high volume time frames of the day.  If I can build on the open, and use the Replay Feature to experiment with the midday and close, I believe I  will be on my way to becoming consistently profitable. If it can work for one person, it can work for others.

    Thanks for reading. If anyone would like to discuss this, I look forward to reading your thoughts. I joined this community in the pursuit to become a better trader. With discussion and exchanging ideas, we can make our way to this goal.

    • Like 1

  7. Date: 01/10/20
    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: SIX
    Levels: 35.90, 34, 31.90, 37.75, 
    Previous Day Close: 43.76

    Stock: PTLA
    Levels: 14.61 (all time low)
    Previous Day Close: 24.74

    Stock: LK
    Levels: 40.30, 40.07, 
    Previous Day Close: 44.37

    Stock: AGTC
    Levels: 8.60, 10.15, 12, 
    Previous Day Close: 9.27

    Moderator Name: Thor Young
    Stock: SRNE
    Levels: 4.40, 5.57, 6.50, 
    Previous Day Close: 3.41

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: GRUB
    Levels: 39.40, 51.57, 56.51 
    Previous Day Close: 55.73

    Stock: ROKU
    Levels: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 133.79

    ¹Stock: BYND
    Levels: 91.25, 89.50, 88.25, 91.40, 91.60, 94.11, 96.63, 98.26
    Previous Day Close: 90.25


    • Like 1

  8. Date: 01/09/20
    Moderator Name: Peter
    Stock: KSS
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 48.38

    Stock: BBBY
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 16.65

    Stock: ATGC
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 

    Stock: LK
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 39.46

    Stock: SNAP
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 16.67

    Stock: APLS
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 39.14

    Stock: AAPL
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 303.19

    Moderator Name: Brian Pezim
    Stock: CRWD
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 55.66

    Moderator Name: Andrew Aziz
    Stock: TSLA
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 492.14

    Stock: AMD
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 47.83

    ¹Stock: BYND
    Support: 80.11, 81.23, 83.11
    Resistance: 84.75, 85.27, 87.23, 88.08
    Previous Day Close: 81.48

    ¹Stock: ROKU
    Support: 133.30, 135.55
    Resistance: 138.28, 136.61, 139.10, 139.96
    Previous Day Close: 134.64

    • Like 1

  9. Date: 01/08/20
    Moderator Name: Aiman
    Stock: WBA
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 59.27

    Stock: LK
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 35.11

    Stock: ROKU
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 138.19

    Stock: BYND
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 83.89

    Moderator Name: Thor Young
    Stock: M
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 17.67

    Stock: ITCI
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 31

    Moderator Name: Peter
    Stock: MU
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 58.27

    Stock: STZ
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 183.60

    Stock: LEN
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 57.14

    Stock: AMD
    Support: N/A
    Resistance: N/A
    Previous Day Close: 48.25

    • Like 1

  10. Pre-market Show Watchlist and Levels

    I should probably start with why I've started this forum. I communicated this information to Carlos, and he thought it was a good idea, but I decided to take it upon myself to get started. I am one of those traders who do not actually get to trade often because I have a standard 8-5 job, with a 2 hour commute (to and from). Therefore, the only real time I get to spend on the market is when I am off during the trading week, or during the three breaks I get. Unfortunately, this does not help when most of the action is in the morning. While I am at work, I cannot have much on my screen that is not work related. The most I can have is a Google search of a stock, finviz.com, or the Yahoo Finance chart. I cannot download anything, so best I can do is literally trade on notepad (as I cannot have any writing utensil or electronic device that I can save important information).

    That said, I was excited to hear that DAS was working on the Replay feature, because then I could spend at least a couple of hours a day, trading the open to get experience. However, with the new feature comes new hurdles, such as what stocks were in play or what levels were significant for a given day, without finding the results of said day when trying to research it for myself. While the Replay feature has major benefits to be had, the lack of having a way to search for this information without influencing my simulated trading seems impossible. As a result, I wanted to create a forum for those like me and those who wish to help.

    The idea is to go into the simulation blind, with the same information that we would have going into a new trading day. That means this forum is not meant to have any information that the trading day has had. By posting only the pre-market watchlists and levels in a designated forum, we will build a limitless wealth of practice, not only for newer traders like me, but also veteran traders as well. It can also be a good place to begin reviewing specific patterns that are not so frequently discussed, giving us all an additional way to try new things, and become more versed in the market language. 

    How do we do this? By posting only the pre-market show stock watchlist and support/resistance levels that the moderators issue that appear in the "Alert" portion of the chatroom**. Let's face it, we realize that the moderators are more experienced at this than we are, and we value their knowledge. Let us use that knowledge like the idea of increasing our accounts, a little each days will begin to pay dividends. 

    I am not sure how this forum will go, but I believe there are others in similar (or worse) circumstances as me. I have high hopes that members of our community will step up and post the information requested. I trust that members will follow thru with this because they will see the value that this new feature has to offer. Below will be a preferred format of the information, so everyone can locate the days and lists they are looking for. Simply copy and paste, and then fill in the information. The format may change, and welcome input via message. 

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, especially those who will be helping archive the data! Big thanks to the moderators for their support, and all that they do!


    Date: MM/DD/YY
    Moderator Name: 
    Previous Day Close: 

    **To start, I think it would be best if we stick with moderators watchlists. They are in those positions because they have proven valuable to the community. Maybe in the future, once there is more days that are saved in the Replay, maybe veteran members could post their watchlists. 

    ¹Stocks I was watching with levels I thought were important.

    I will also post a second forum for a discussion on why I think this is good information to be had. Maybe with more discussion on the topic will improve the information I can gather. I want to keep this forum strictly for the pre-market stock choices and levels, so please respond only with desired information in this forum, and keep the discussion in the other. Thank you!

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