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Matthew last won the day on March 12

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About Matthew

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    Matthew V.
  • Birthday May 14

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  1. Very cool! You could learn a lot about your trading using something like this.
  2. That is certainly more than enough for day trading. You're into gaming performance with that hardware. I use an I5 8400 2.8ghz base 6 core processor EVGA 1070ti 16gb 2666 ram I use 4 monitors and have no issues.
  3. Here is a sheet for the 'Parabolic Reversal'. All the information is from Aiman's most recent success webinar, which was awesome! The photos in this one are pretty small but they work for me. If you would like the word documents just send me a message with your email and I can send them your way. I've never taken a parabolic reversal but I look forward to watching for these as another trade option! Parabolic_Reversal.pdf
  4. Yep you're right. What happened was I copied the rising devil format since they are sort of inverse, then I forgot to change that detail. Good spot!
  5. Hello, Thank you all for the positive comments! I've made a few more sheets in the same style for three more strategies. Here they are: 1-Minute Opening Range Breakout (ORB) 1_MIN_ORB.pdf Rising Devil Rising_Devil.pdf Falling Angel Falling_Angel.pdf I personally have taken very few Rising Devil and Falling Angel trades, but they are strategies I want to practice. So bare that in mind and use these sheets as supplementary, "at a glance" information, to the content provided on the BBT website and YouTube. Here are the videos I grabbed the examples for the Rising Devil and Falling Angel strategies from: Meir Rising Devil Recap: https://youtu.be/uhgZ7ohqExI Thor Falling Angel Recap: https://youtu.be/Q1oCiT1hOug
  6. Sure, I'd like to take a look! Feel free to share that here, or send me a message. Whichever you'd like.
  7. 5-Minute Opening Range Breakout (ORB) 5_MIN_ORB.pdf High of Day Break / Low of Day Break HOD_LOD_Breaks.pdf VWAP Reversal VWAP_Reversal.pdf Mountain Pass Mountain_Pass.pdf 1-Minute Opening Range Breakout (ORB) 1_MIN_ORB.pdf Rising Devil Rising_Devil.pdf Falling Angel Falling_Angel.pdf Parabolic Reversal Parabolic_Reversal.pdf
  8. TL;DR: Here are some sheets with concise information about strategies members of BBT use. Shoutout to the mods and contributors for the information for these strategies. After watching Peter's amazing presentation about his 'Mountain Pass' strategy a couple nights ago, I put together an information sheet with the setup details similar to ones I had already created for a few other strategies. After putting together the Mountain Pass sheet, I decided it, among the others could be useful for my fellow BBT community members for any of the following reasons: You could use them for your playbook. If you like the layout, you could use them as a template to make your own information sheets/playbook. They could serve as a tangible, concise, introductory resource for beginner traders, who are new to these strategies. The strategy information has all been taken from the education center, success webinars and Andrew's books. I take no credit for any of the theory behind the strategies or any of the images. All credit goes to Andrew, Carlos, Peter and Hiltzy for laying out the strategies so well. I plan on doing more of these as I expand my playbook to include strategies such as Rising Devil, Fallen Angel, 1-Minute ORB, etc. So I will share those in this thread as they are made. If you have any comments, criticisms, or if I have information wrong about any of the strategies, let me know and I can make some adjustments to the sheets. Also, if you have your own playbooks / strategy resources you'd like to share, you can do so in this thread, I'd love to see what you've done. Note: Some of the information, particularly the rules such as "Place stop losses at technical levels." are notes I've made to myself based on results I have found. Some of these may not apply to you individually. Here is what they look like: The files for each strategy will be posted below.
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