To my knowledge, there hasn't been a specific workshop on this topic but these items are addressed in other workshops. Some notes on the items below now that I have been live for a while.
What to expect when transitioning to a live account
Psychology is a huge deal when going live. Lower your share size and only trade small amounts until you stabilize.
Rande Howell
Mastermind Pro with Dr. Reid - (Requires BBT membership)
DAS Platform changes to make
Not much really, just your hotkey routes. Example for IB would be: SMRTL/SMRTM vs LIMIT/MARKET
Notes on commissions and account types (Cash vs. Margin, Tiered vs. Fixed)
Commissions are really cheap in general and you need a Margin account to go Short so I would recommend: Margin w/ a Tiered account (assuming IB as your broker)
Anything else relevant to what a new trader might need to know.
Day Trading Reality Checklist (attached)
Kyle's Hotkey setups and a Stream Deck
TraderVue or Chartlog for tracking your progress
Everything listed above was very helpful to me so I wanted to summarize for those making the switch to live trading after trading in the simulator.