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About Bierzar

  • Birthday 11/01/1992

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  1. Hi Carlos, thanks for taking your time and sharing your advice and opinion. Thinking about commissions as a monthly fee to learn how to daytrade seems very reasonable. In SIM it is rather simple not to care about commissions at all, but i can imagine that many people become very frustrated going live and change their trading style because of it. Hopefully me and other traders with the same question will remember that when we go live. Kevin
  2. Hello everyone, I have a question about commissions trading with a small account. Let's have an example: I trade with a 5000$ account and my daily target is set at 1% which equals 50 bucks. I am trading small size to lower my risk and my trading goes well. I take two trades that day and both are green. Doing as i have learned i take profit of the board - let's say three times per trade. So now i am sitting at eight tickets if i am correct. Paying commissions and ECN fees i might actually be red at the end of the day although i think my execution was fine. I am wondering what proper management looks like in this case. Do i aim to take profit just once before getting out to lower my overall tickets? Do i take more shares to compensate commissions? Do i hold positions longer and hope for a higher target as planned? Since i am still at my very first touches there might be a fault in my reasoning. Kevin.
  3. Hallo Marek, ist ja klasse! Ich bin gebürtig aus Bottrop und zur Zeit wohnhaft in Gladbeck, wäre also ein Katzensprung bis Essen gewesen! Finde San Diego wahnsinnig interessant und liebäugle auch schon seit längerem damit, Deutschland zu verlassen. Wie kamst du zu der Entscheidung ins Ausland zu gehen? Ich bereichere mich gerne an jedem Erfahrungsbericht. 🙂 Da ich noch relativ frisch bin und mich im Simulator bewege, beschränke ich mich aktuell tatsächlich auch nur auf NYSE/NASDAQ Basis. Empfiehlt sich auch deshalb, weil sich die Community ja hauptsächlich dort zu bewegen scheint. Gruß Kevin
  4. Hi Domo, basically neighbours, Germany here!
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