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Posts posted by alarson9024

  1. 2 minutes ago, Stevo said:



    I am unsure if Andrew Aziz is coming. He expressed interest earlier this year. Brian P also expressed interest. I was going to confirm things this weekend with the restaurant (I believe that is all I will plan is a happy hour) 


    I will reply to this thread by Sunday once I have everything confirmed. 

  2. Since there were only 2 responses for dates I will be the tie breaker. Meetup will be for March 15th and 16th. I will plan around 10-15 people in total.

    Agenda - Tentative

    • Friday March 15th
      • Tommy Bahama Happy Hour in North Scottsdale (Kierland Mall) 4PM-7PM
      • Top Golf for those interested 7PM-9PM???
    • Saturday March 16th
      • Group hike of Camelback or South Mountain? Or people can do their own thing
      • Potentially lunch at Bobby Q's BBQ on 40th St and Camelback?


    Let me know what everyone thinks of this agenda and if there is interest. If anyone has other ideas or thoughts please share! I would love this to be a fun weekend for everyone involved!

    • Like 2

  3. Mark,

    This is fantastic! I myself was somewhat similar for my first 3 months of sim (traded close to everyday) with a downward equity trend. However, around mid month four I have gone green fairly consistently (4-5 days a week) and have just now changed my equity in sim to match what I will start live with in Feb and the curve is still going in the positive direction so I know I found something that works. Love the feedback! Hope you continue your success live as you have shown here! One of the biggest turning points for me was the share size calculator hot keys. I put those on recently and I have seen a MAJOR difference in my trading.

  4. Works with me! If you need a place to stay, I have one free bedroom otherwise I recommend staying around ASU campus in Tempe as I know you like college campuses or in Scottsdale. I live about 5-10 minutes away by car from either location. Once in Tempe or Scottsdale you can use all the electric scooters to get around pretty effectively. Let me know what works best for you!

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