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Posts posted by jabaco

  1. Day 15 recap on the simulator: +199. Green is Good

    New balance on the Simulator: -$217


    1. I traded really good today. I was patient and I did not overtrade. I waited for the setups to reveal themselves
    2. I took small share sizes from 100 up to 400. I have to trade as similar as I would trade live (small share sizes)




  2. Day 14 recap on the simulator: -1013. Biggest red day

    New balance on the Simulator: -$416


    1. I was overconfident today about trading multiple stocks simoultaneusly. It did not work out. Overtraded with 53 tickets
    2. Couple of hotkey mistakes and stopping out too late in some trades....



  3. Day 13 recap on the simulator: +403. Green is Good

    New balance on the Simulator: +$597


    1. Finally I made a good 5min ORB up 
    2. Overall I traded well today. I traded 2 stocks simoultaneusly but with hard stops order placed before moving to the other one



  4. Day 12 recap on the simulator: +158. Green is Good

    New balance on the Simulator: +$194


    1. I again did very bad in ORB but very good in the reversal.
    2. Still have to work on my journal and voices recording my trades at the very exact moment I make them





  5. Day 11 recap on the simulator: -33. Red is learning 

    New balance on the Simulator: -$52 


    1. Totally overtraded today! I took 51 tickets. I was just entering the trades based on price action going up or down in a really choppy morning
    2. I will force myself to voice record my trades so I understand better what I´m doing and I force myself to have a set up before entering the trade
    3. I´m every time getting more proficient in reading the level 2. Looking for big bids or asks and waiting for level breaks once the sell or buy wall are knocked out!

  6. Day 10 recap on the simulator: -224. Red is learning 

    New balance on the Simulator: -$19 (Im going to start with the tradervue reports balance)


    1. I should give more space to my stop loss and letting them going a bit above or below before triggering them
    2. Traded good today, my setups just did not work but follow the plan
    3. I should not trade stocks with high spreads like 50 cents! I should always take that into account before placing the order
    4. I will start using tradervue as my visual performance journal but I´m still looking into other alternatives
    5. I will try to have at least one hour of preparation before the market opens



  7. Day 9 recap on the simulator: +200. Green is Good

    New balance on the Simulator: +$36


    1. Overall I traded very well today. I made less than 30 tickets. 
    2. Before doing reversals I have to make sure there is an important historical level (markets high and lows, daily charts, etc)



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  8. Day 8 recap on the simulator: -201. Red is learning

    New balance on the Simulator: -$164


    1. I was jumping in and out of trades... Overtrading for the most part. Went above 50 tickets
    2. I did not respect ORB and did not wait for price to surpass opening or the wick of the previous candle
    3. I have to plan better set ups with clear stop loss placed on an important level and be more patient with my trades



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  9. Day 7 recap on the simulator: +528. Green is GOOD

    New balance on the Simulator: +$37


    1. I did a great trade os SKX today. Identify good level of support, opportunity to buy cheap on good news and nailing the pull backs!



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  10. Day 6 recap on the simulator: -274. Red is learning

    New balance on the Simulator: -$491


    1. I overtraded today, made lot of mistakes like trading low float and medium float stock at the same time and shortkey mistake
    2. Proud of my reversals to the long side so far
    3. Adjusting my share size to 400 to 800 max per trade.
    4. I need to start journaling on excel so I can have a better look of my performance 



  11. This is my 5 day recap on the simulator: -411. Red is learning

    New balance on the Simulator: -$217


    1. I will never take one minute ORB. I will wait for 5 minute ORB
    2. I cannot force a trade to work in my favor. If I have tried 3 times to go short with no success I should not try more.
    3. Building up my confidence in reversals



  12. This is my 4 day recap on the simulator: -217. Red is learning

    New balance on the Simulator: +$194


    1. Today I was not ready mentally to trade. I have some appointments early in the morning so my head was not thinking and focusing on my trades
    2. When I see strong levels of support and resistance confirmed by price action, historical levels and level 2 I should exit my trades or going the opposite direction
    3. I would like to start journaling in excel or word my trades with more details like strategy used, type of stock, number of shares, etc.. so I can learn more about my trades and what I´m better at.


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  13. This is my third day recap on the simulator: +211. Green is GOOD 

    New balance on the Simulator: +$411


    1. Today I felt my trades were more complete and accurate since I was paying attention to the Level 2 at all times (but I have to be aware that level 2 can give false signals sometimes so I have to use it with other indicators like price action and volume)
    2. I should not take trades just because someone mentions them in the chat room. I have to analyze the chart and look for patterns, entry and exit points...



  14. This is my second day recap on the simulator: -305. Green is GOOD but RED is LEARNING

    New balance on the Simulator: +$200 


    1. Stay away from one minute opening range break outs even more so on low float stocks (If I do it again only with medium to high float stocks and small sizes to start with)
    2. I´m becoming proficient at spotting reversals taking into account support or resistance levels, volume increase and price action and candle stick patterns.
    3. When trading choppy opening range break outs, I must see where the price is getting more rejected and where the next possible direction is going (*see GLMD)



  15. Hi Guys! This is JB and I really want to thank Andrew for being such an excellent and inspiring teacher for me and for creating this amazing community full of dedicated and serious traders!

    I want to start this topic to share with the community all my journey in the simulator. I appreciate any feedback from you guys. So this is officially day one and here is my video recap:


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