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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello, I am Rong from Seattle, Washington, USA. I am a software engineer. I just finished my bootcamp training and started using BBT. I trade opening momentum breakouts/breakdowns. I developed trading bots to execute orders for me to achieve fast order submission and following my rules. You can read about my trading bot here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WN9hR-SVI6q3vMwEA69xNbXWvPmpl2Zt14jnxqHydPQ/edit#heading=h.ajxsjfzc2f52
  2. 1 point
    Hello, I'm Eleanor, from Ontario, Canada. I've been a BBT member for a couple months now and recently started sim trading with the funded account. I work a corporate job that I enjoy, but have been in the same role for a long time and wanted to learn something new, and I have been intrigued by day trading for a long time and decided now was the time to learn. I love the community focus of BBT and hope to see many of you in the chatroom!
  3. 1 point
    Hello everybody, I am Olus, from Belgium. I work as a Consultant in Financial Services after +16 years working in Brokerage where I held commercial & operational positions. I trade for more than 12 years now,... Although I am good with investments management, I suck at trading where all of my 12 years have been in the red. The reason is simple: I tend to TILT after a couple of losing trades and begin revenge trading with overleverage, with a well known result: blowing my accounts & losing it all. When I look to my past performance, I see that 10 to 15 trading days are causing my accounts to blow. I can have 10, 15, 20 positive days but when it have a 3-4 losing trades streak, things get wild and I lose control. This is thus the area I work on and the reason I have joined this community. Ensure to follow my trading rules & stick to my plan. I know that it is the losing days limits which allow us to have positive results at the end of the year. I have read tons of books on Trading psychology, which is a passion of mine. It is now time for me to respect the process. And I count on the presence of the members to support & motivate me on this path.
  4. 1 point
    Hello, my name is Lumir, and I am a Cloud Storage Engineer from the heart of Europe, the good old Czech Republic. Trading has always fascinated me, but I just never got into it—until now, that is. Of course, I finished Andrew's book on day trading and am currently learning all the pieces and possible strategies while watching other people trade. This week, I have 40+ hours in the simulator, slowly building up my skills and testing things. It's been so much fun to learn something so awesome and possibly life-changing. What could help me is that I played poker for a living for a couple of years, so I can calculate risk and profit quite fast, it seems. Anyways, I look forward to working with this community. If you'd like to do a meetup in Prague, it's an amazing city.
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