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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello BBT, I hope all is well with you all. my trading journey to date is as follows. I quit my job in Sept last year as I was miserable and depressed and started to pour my focus into learning all I could about day trading and I joined BBT in Nov '22 after reading Andrew's books, probably like most people on here. This year I have gone self-employed and I am able to trade regularly 2/3 times per week whilst supplementing my income by working for a local brewery and I am much happier for it. I am currently at the stage where I have been trading live for about a month now, my first objective is to have a break even month having just had my first profitable week (albeit a very modest one with the limited risk I am putting on). I'm currently reading "The disciplined trader" which is great and have "trading in the zone" & "Volume price analysis" lined up after that. I would describe my trading style as a trend trader who likes to use multiple timeframes and market alignment to give myself the best chance of a profitable trade, mainly using SMA's as my trading indicators. I also like to trade on higher timeframes, as I find the shorter timeframes quite noisy and distracting. I have attached an example of my DAS platform set-up for anyone who is interested. I am looking for someone who trades in a similar style to myself to share trades & ideas with and provide some sort of constructive feedback in order to gain a different perspective and hopefully learn from one another. I also like the the idea of providing mutual accountability and support to each other when things aren't going so well. If you are reading this and think we would be a good fit as trading buddies then I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch via e-mail with the subject line of "BBT Trading buddy" or something like that Define your risk & keep it green! Alex from Leicester, UK. [email protected].
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