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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    You are correct it is complicated. Remember my first reason in doing this was to learn how to write scripts and see the difference between TriggerOrders and Order scripts. Second I get you can eyeball it, I want a finite system used to enter and exit my trades. Then when I run statistics against it I know it is my subjective "add to" and "entries" I am learning from. It is your business, by that I mean your personal or your trading business that you choose to eyeball. Das Trader is a very powerful tool. However unlike Excel where you can take an adult education class for I haven't found a training course for Das Trader Pro. I'm just trying to learn all that can be done with this tool. I thought I'd share some of that process and see who on this forum would jump in and explain some of how it works. To be honest I thought there would be more people comment and explain more when I started this, but it is what it is. Das Support was very helpful and emailed in a very timely fashion to help with this.
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