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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello BBT Mac users, I have a 2012 iMac with a 3.4Ghz Core i7, 24 GB or RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2 GB video card. I've tried VMWARE Fusion and noticed the overhead of running a VM on my system was too taxing on it even with all that horse power. The VM ran pretty decent using one monitor but I was not able to add a second monitor. For some reason VMware Fusion could not detect the second monitor. I did some research on other solutions and found that Windows Emulation (WINE) was a great solution to my dual monitor limitation with VMWare. I found a great application by CodeWeavers named Crossover which surprisingly works very well with a dual monitor set up. My second monitor is actually a 36 inch LED T.V. which is used primarily for additional charts. I have a $SPY chart, and three other charts for stocks I'm monitoring. Crossover has been a great solution for a die hard Mac user like myself. I despise Windows and prefer the rock solid stability of a unix based OS like macOS. I never have to reboot unlike most Windows users. Eventually I'll upgrade my iMac to to a new model and add more monitors but for now Crossover is a great solution for my setup. WINE is an easy solution for all of you Mac users that are hesitant to switch to a Windows desktop/laptop. What I like about Crossover is that it runs DAS as if it were a native running application in macOS. I can use all the macOS keyboard shortcuts perfectly, swipe gestures on a trackpad/magic mouse work great, and the overhead on your system is minimal as previously mentioned. You can get a 14 day trial of Crossover at https://www.codeweavers.com and give it a try. There is also a free option for WINE named Wine Bottler but the current stable release does not run on the current version of macOS (Catalina). If you're using an older version of macOS it runs perfectly. I have an old 2010 MacBook Pro with macOS Lion that runs WINE Bottler and DAS perfectly. You can get that application at https://winebottler.kronenberg.org . Cheers, Manny
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