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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    1. En chat español BBT viene mejorando, seguiré impulsandolo, me comprometo a colocar mis acciones en juego y pronto con los niveles S y R y por que la tengo en juego dos o tres. 2. luego quizá podríamos indicar en que estamos y dirección… $BABA long 175 to VWAP , partial 176, out 176.30 Otro ejemplo $BABA fuerte , posible tendencia Long todo el día, luego anuncio …. O viene ya muy abajo … etc finalmente también subir nuestros trades. una reunión semanal a las 12 NY donde uno haga un Recap sobre imagen o video y todos podamos dar feed back , lo vi en SMBT y es potente.
  2. 1 point
    También me gusta esta idea.
  3. 1 point
    Hola a todos. Realmente soy nuevo aquí con solo 2 meses y lo que busco aparte de compartir conocimientos como hasta ahora lo hemos hecho (Abiel, gracias por tu dedicación) seria como hacer trades en equipo. Obvio, con los que se identifiquen con ciertos criterios como: patrones, clase de acciones, monto de la cuenta, objetivos personales, etc... Algo así como para que uno no sienta que esta chateando pero haciendo trading solo. Que bueno seria conversar con alguien e intercambiar puntos de vista cuando se esta mirando la misma acción. Es solo una idea
  4. 1 point
    Apoyo lo de las reuniones por zoom, y quizá podríamos hacer una sesión de ayuda entre todos una vez a la semana
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Welcome Saint_K - Really hope you enjoy it here. It truly is the best Trading Community imo. All about the education and experience.
  8. 1 point
    Hi BBT community. I am new with pretty much everything here and related to trading. I found Andrew's books last year and the BBT books earlier this year. I've begun my journey and I plan to do this full time. I usually keep a low profile, but I plan to come out of hole from time to time. To Andrew, BBT mentors, and BBT community - thanks for sharing your knowledge, experience, and stories! Saint_K
  9. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I'll try to keep this as brief as possible; my name is Leland and I'm a member from a few years ago and have decided to re-start my trading career. I was first exposed to the market in 2013 and naively made some cash buying stock and, at the time didn't know I was gambling. PLUG made a run up one night in 2014, as I was trading in Tokyo hours and I made close to $1k. Since then I've been off and on at various levels of seriousness, culminating in a $13k($10k principle and all gain) loss after going live for one month using DAS, about 2 and a half years ago. If I'm honest with myself about that and the time period since, I wasn't really a trader. I was trading on borrowed money, which is doomed to start. I've done some personal and financial work, gotten out of debt, and put some cash aside. There's much more to do. The psychology modules really have opened me up to the mental problems I've had with becoming a trader. For instance, when I joined BBT and went live, I would post the highest number I could in the chatroom and whatsapp, because of Narcissism and needing to feel important. I share Mike's sentiment of needing to be right, and would try to win EVERY trade and prove the market wrong. So here I am in North Carolina, a brand new scarred up trader in training. Haven't even bought the DAS sim yet, because I want to go back through all the modules a least a couple time before even starting that. I'm not great with online relationship but I hope to make some type of connections here, and add value as well instead of just taking from the community like I did before. Leland Watson
  10. 1 point
    Yet another new trader intro. I'm a dyslexic, INTJ, with a few degrees who just stumbled upon day trading a few weeks ago. I was re balancing my investment portfolio and wondered what the difference between the order types were and hit a massive rabbit hole on youtube. Then I purchased " Stock market explained" on Audible and had a little "ah ha" moment. I'm still working my way through " How to day trade for a living" but have seen enough to go nuclear and commit to this profession at 41. Day Trading ticks off all the boxes for me: simple math, patterns, problem solving, strategy, more strategy, some complexity, continuous learning, and learning resources that are audio visual. I'll be looking for a Discord group (audio over text) to join but honestly it feels like I'm showing up to the playground and being embarrassed about asking if I can play. We'll get along if you enjoy a little sarcasm, don't mind answering questions, like coffee (espresso, coffee roasting, etc), skiing (up or downhill), bikes (road, single track, or Zwift), and can tolerate pointers on your shitty desk ergonomics. I generally come in 2nd by most metrics so if you're super anal about winning all the time then I'm a safe bet.
  11. 1 point
    Tony, yes the first partial on $TSLA would likely be at 1R. Maybe 0.5R if it's suddenly really struggling. Signs to get out early: - Too much time has passed (you can use 5 minutes as a max) - Price becomes very volatile after entry - Price crosses the dollar level many times up and down (like 4 times is dangerous) - SPY dumps hard after entry Check out the "Stay In or Bail" portion of the presentation for more information.
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